The following is to guide you how to register an account on taobao, 1688, tmall is the easiest way.

Instructions to create an account on Taobao, 1688, T-mall

Step 1: Access to => Click Sign to register (As shown below). For convenience, you can use the Google translate tool.

Step 2: This is the terms of Taobao, 1688. (You can use google translate to read if you need). Click the orange button to agree to the terms and go to the next step (As shown below)

Step 3: In the first part, choose the prefix +63 to use the registered phone number of Philippines.

Next, enter your phone number. For example, if your phone number is 0123456789, leave 0 first and enter 123456789.

In the next section, you drag the arrow mark from left to right. Then, the orange consent button appears below, press this orange button to continue.

Step 4: Once you agree, a confirmation code will be sent to your phone. Enter this code and click confirm (Figure below)

Step 5: Next, there will be 3 blank items in turn:


Re-enter the password

User name

Enter the items and press agree. (Picture below)

Step 6: At this point, you have completed the account registration. You can use this account to login to Taobao, 1688, T-mall sites. Hope this article can assist you in buying at Taobao, 1688, T-mall.

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