King Cargo will introduce some key words in Chinese that can help you to use and search conveniently in Taobao, 1688, T-mall

1/ By categories

No English keyword Chinese keyword
1 Man
2 Woman
3 Children 孩子
4 Middle aged 中年
5 Old 老年
6 Summer 夏天
7 Autumn 秋天
8 Spring 春天
9 Korea 韩国
10 Officer 上班族
11 Young 年轻
12 Dynamic 活泼
13 Sexy 辣妹
14 Discount 降价
15 Luxury 高级
16 Cheap price 便宜

2/ Fashion keyword

No English keyword Chinese keyword
1 Cute product 可爱
2 Korean product 韩装
3 Women’s shoes 女鞋
4 Bag 包袋
5 Luggage and leather goods 箱包皮具
6 Hot women’s bags 热销女包
7 Men’s package 男包
8 Wallet card holder 钱包卡套
9 Shirt 衬衫
10 Skirt 裙子
11 Dress 连衣裙
12 vest 背心
13 T-shirt T恤
14 Pants 裤子
15 Leggings 打底裤
16 Jeans 牛仔裤
17 Suit 西装
18 Small vest/small sling 小背心/小吊带
19 Leather jacket 皮衣
20 Windbreaker 风衣
21 Sweater 毛衣
22 Lace shirt 蕾丝衫
23 Chiffon shirt 雪纺衫
24 Middle-aged and elderly clothing 中老年服装
25 Short jacket 短外套
26 office dress 职业女裙套装
27 Office fashion 职业套装
28 Student supplies 学生校服
29 Uniform 工作制服
30 casual outfit 休闲套装
31 Vestments 礼服
32 Wedding dress 婚纱
33 Ao dai 旗袍
34 Sleepwear 晚装
35 Stage costume 中式服装
36 Belt 腰带/皮带/腰链
37 Cap 帽子
38 Scarves / silk scarf / shoulder shawl 围巾/丝巾/披肩
39 Scarves / Gloves / Towel Kit 围巾/手套/帽子套件
40 Gloves 手套

3/ Electronics – Accessories

No English keyword Chinese keyword
1 Phone 手机
2 Phone accessories 手机配件
3 Protective shell 保护壳
4 Headphone 耳机
5 Phone glass 玻璃膜
6 Pin 电池

4/ Household furniture

No English keyword Chinese keyword
1 Cabinet 柜子
2 Bed
3 Table 壁纸
4 Wallpaper 壁纸
5 Wall painting 壁画
6 Light/Lamp
7 Shower 淋浴


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