1688, Taobao or T-mall are the leading e-commerce websites in China. The goods here are extremely rich in types, models, prices,… This is a great warehouse for business as well as for some segments of consumers. So how to find the right products you want on these websites? Today, King Cargo will guide you how to find goods on 1688, Taobao, T-mall in 2 ways: image search and keyword search.

Option 1: Find goods by image

1. Find goods source by image on

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click the camera icon to the right of the search bar, a window will appear. Please select the product image available on the device you are looking for to upload.

Step 3: Upload photos to search on 1688

After uploading photos successfully, search results will show many images similar to the photo you uploaded. Meanwhile, to choose the best product, you should consider the detailed information about the product, choose a reputable shop, shop with the best price…

2. Find goods source by image on, same as

Step 1: Go to Select Mainland China for image sourcing.

Step 2: Click the camera icon to the right of the search bar, a window will appear. Please select the product image available on the device you are looking for to upload.

Step 3: Upload photos to search on Taobao

Search results will show a lot of images similar to the photo you uploaded. At this time, to choose the best product, consider the detailed information about the product, choose a reputable shop, shop with the best price…

Option 2: Find products with keywords

If you are fluent in Chinese, it is very simple, you just need to type the keyword to find the source in Chinese on the search bar. The results will show lots of images and information about related products. In case, you are not fluent in Chinese, do not worry because you can use Google translate tool.

Step 1: Access Google translate via link: to translate keywords you are looking for into Chinese. Option to translate from English to Simplified Chinese (Traditional Chinese). However, using the Google translate function is very limited and inaccurate.

Step 2: Copy the Chinese keyword that Google just translated => Paste the keyword into the search bar on or, and press Enter to search. The result is a list of all products related to the keyword you are looking for are sold on With Taobao and T-mall, just do the same.

Step 3: Classify products according to demand:

After searching, you will see a series of products related to search keywords, you need to sort by needs based on the filter right below the search bar. Each product has different properties, so the filter will certainly be different. You can use the Google translate tool to understand the meaning of these attributes in English.

Step 4: Select the product

After using the filter, you can choose the product you like best by viewing more information about the product such as original price, discount price, price by quatity (for 1688), color, size size, product design, shop’s reputation level…

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