Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Access to King Cargo website and click on the function Register -> The system displays the screen Register Account.

Or go to:

Step 2: Full in the necessary registration information, including: Email, Username, Full Name, Phone Number, Password

Step 3: After filling in all required fields, click Register button:

-> Complete the Registration process


  1. Sign in

Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Access to King Cargo’s website and click Login function -> The system displays the screen of Account Login

Or Sign in quickly with the link:

Step 2: Enter Username and Password -> Click Login button -> The system displays the Dashboard screen

-> Complete Login.

  1. Update account information

Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Successfully logged into King Cargo system

Step 2: Access the function of Account Update

Or quick access with the link:

Step 3: Fill in the changed account information: Avatar, Password, Full Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Country, Province / City, County / District, Address.

Step 4: After filling in all the changed information -> click Save button.

-> The system saves new account information successfully updated.

-> Complete Account Update.

  1. Change your password

Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Successfully logged into King Cargo system

Step 2: Access the Change Password feature at the Account Information screen

Step 3: Enter the password change information:

New password

Old password

Step 4: Click the Save button

The system saves updated password information

-> Complete Password Change

  1. Retrieve the password

Purpose: Customers use when they cannot remember the password of an account on King Cargo system, so they cannot log into the system.

Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Click the Forgot Password button on the login screen.

-> The system displays the Screen Retrieve Password

Step 2: Enter the registered email for the account and click the Recover password button

Step 3: Customers access the email -> click the Reset button to retrieve the password

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