1. Steps to Create Complaint

Step 1. Complaints can be created in 3 screens:

Order List screen: Click the Complaint button in the “Action” Column to create a claim for a specific order

Order details screen: Click the complaint button at each product link to create a claim for a specific product link

Step 2. Popup display to add new customers

Enter the full information:

(1) Complaint title: Select the complaint title in the list of suggested titles (for example: Missing goods, Wrong model…)

(2) Related orders: Select the order to be complained about

(3) Related products: Select the product in the selected order to create a complaint

(4) Complaint content: Enter details of the content to be complained about

(5) Image: Download the photo related to the product to be claimed

Step 3. Click the button Submit complaint => Display the message “You have successfully submitted the complaint”


-Time to receive complaints from 3-5 days right after the customer receives the goods (3 days for small and odd orders; 5 days for multi-link orders, many products). Complaints made more than 5 days after receiving the goods will not be accepted.

– After the customer creates a complaint and customer care has received it, the customer can add more information on the same day. Customer service staff will not receive more information through the second day.

-The time to complete a complaint depends on the response of the shop / workshop, the fastest will be 3 days and may take a few weeks (in case of exchange).

-Customers please provide enough information and images for King cargo to effectively support complaints and achieve the highest success rate.

  1. Management of complaints

On the horizontal menu of the customer page, select Complaints

Complaint list

Display a complaint list including claim code information, Title, Order code, product code, Complaint content, Compensation value, Status, Update time

Each complaint has 2 actions: View details, Cancel. Only complaints with New status (not received customer service staff) can Cancel.

Claim Statuses

+ All Tab: Shows all complaints in status

+ New Create Tab: Display customer complaints that have just been created and not received by customer service staff

+ Tab Received: Displays complaints that have been received and handled by the customer care staff

+ Tab Waiting for completion: Shows complaints that have been processed, waiting for the accountant to confirm.

Completion Tab: Displays complaints that have been processed (refunded, exchanged. Depending on the handling direction of each complaint)

+ Refusal to handle tab: Complaints that customer service refuses to handle (due to improper, unreasonable complaints)

+ Closed Tab: Displays complaints Completed and no longer incurred

+ Cancel Tab: Display customer self-destruct complaints

Complaint search function

Support customers to search by criteria: Status, Complaint Code, Related Order, related product, Complaint title, Complaint creation time

Complaint details

Display information of customer-created complaints, customer-care staff receive, support customers to talk to complaints-handling staff.

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